I've been hungrier on days 7 & 8. Both mornings I've had juices that were all fruits and I wonder if that might be it. Today (day 8) I forgot to add chia seeds to the juices. I've also had lunch meetings both days. I made it through without too much suffering. Yesterday's lunch was at a delicious meditarranean restaurant and I found myself wanting to run my finger through anyone's hummus. I had a nice Mean Green juice with me so I was full and content enough to keep my fingers off everyone's plates.
When I know I'm going to be around food I either drink a juice just before or while I'm there. If I'm full I can't want to eat. That's part of retraining my mind during this time. I can and have had long-term success with eating only when hungry and not over-eating to keep my weight down. It was a habit I had to build after years of over-eating for social or emotional reasons. Crazy that I had to train myself to only eat what I needed. Anyway, it took about 6 months to get there. Then 2 weeks on vacation eating out all over Los Angeles/Orange County ruined my good habit and I never recovered. Until now.
I weighed myself this morning after 7 full days on juice. I'm down about 4 lbs. this week. I'm not exactly sure where I started; I was already down 3-4 lbs. in the 2 weeks before starting the Reboot. As I said earlier, I'm not doing this primarily for weight-loss but it's a wonderful 'side-effect'.
I've not had the rush of energy lots of people experience. It's early in the fast so I'm not worrying about it. None of the Sjogren's symptoms have subsided and my tongue is actually stinging worse than ever. I had a regular-ish bowel movement yesterday and the massive air movements have subsided. I'm still sorting out which juices to make and how much to buy and, and, and... As of today I'm more than 1/4 of the way through the fast and I'm good. I'm not in rush for it to be over. I want to keep going until I feel great.
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